Jaded 80s Baby
The Jaded 80s Baby Podcast puts a spotlight on businesses and entrepreneurs while encouraging money education. Entrepreneurs come from all walks of life, so you’ll hear from musicians, CEOs, investors, and more. You'll be entertained, and hopefully, you'll learn something along the way! Follow the show on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, @jaded80sbaby
Jaded 80s Baby
EP 128: Sim Campbell - County of Kings
Derek Phifer
Season 1
Episode 28
You can learn a lot about a person by observing how they respond to adversity.
My guest this week is an author/rapper who was once sentenced to 24 years in federal prison. Rather than let that be the end of his story, he’s using his past experience as a tool to teach others and improve the community around him.
Through his books and his music, he’s working to help the next generation realize its full potential.
Who am I talking about? His name is Sim Campbell, and as an artist, he goes by the name of ScrewFace Pelle.
Subscribe to the podcast and follow the show on Instagram and Facebook, @jaded80sbaby.